Silja y Jaime son una pareja de apuestos talentosos. Podéis juzgar por vosotros mismos aquí y aquí.
Silja and Jaime are a talented couple as you can judge by yourself.
Silja and Jaime are a talented couple as you can judge by yourself.
Pero de lo que últimamente andan más orgullosos es de Miranda, su preciosa niña. Han pasado poco más de 9 meses desde que participaron en la sesión de fotos para los pañuelos "Casas", entonces todavía no conocíamos la buena nueva pero parece que Silja ya intuía algo ¡Felicidades!
What they feel most proud about at the moment is Miranda, their gorgeous baby. Its been just over 9 months since they took part in the photo shooting session for our "Casas" scarves. We didn´t know it by then but it seems like Silja already suspected Miranda was coming... Congratulations!
What they feel most proud about at the moment is Miranda, their gorgeous baby. Its been just over 9 months since they took part in the photo shooting session for our "Casas" scarves. We didn´t know it by then but it seems like Silja already suspected Miranda was coming... Congratulations!